About The Founder


BlaqIce Apparel was founded by Timothy Fray and his brother Jeremy in the early 1990s, and started out by designing and sewing kids' clothes. They later opened a storefront in Toronto for kids' clothing and created a brand called BlaqIce, designing hats and t-shirts for young adults. Although the brand did not take off as expected, they continued to work on their craft and business skills. In 2021, they relaunched BlaqIce Apparel, which is now successfully representing multiple business brands and committed to giving back to black charities through Goodszilla. Their dedication to social responsibility and commitment to providing quality clothing has made them a leader in the fashion industry, and serves as a testament to the importance of passion, perseverance, and the power of a strong brand. Their success also demonstrates how businesses can use their platform to make a positive impact, build customer loyalty, and contribute to social causes.